Canine Outsourcing

After a failed outsourcing effort to India, Dell decided to give local tech-support another try... with a twist. -- DugALug


  1. "Skippy was pretty sure he'd do better with one of those new-fangled ergonomic keyboards."

  2. After a failed outsourcing effort to India, Dell decided to give local tech-support another try... with a twist.

  3. dugalug,
    that is sad but true. I've spent hours and hours on the phone.

  4. That dog is probably a lot more clued up than a lot of computer users I know ..!...

    Hi I found your blog by chance. I do one too but it's very different. You're welcome to drop by if you like:

    Take care now, & all the best


  5. OHHHHHH he's so cute! I would love to have him answer the phone!

    Karen - I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY ERGONOMIC keyboard (oops didn't mean to yell). I've had one since they came out years ago, love it!


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