Dryer Lint

With KA out of commission this week KB had to handle dryer lint yesterday. This cartoon reminded me of all the little chores (like cleaning dryer lint) that, if we forget to do, can create quite a mess if we let them. Can anyone relate to dishes overflowing the kitchen sink, blocked access to laundry rooms or unwalkable kids' rooms?


  1. Nope my house is spotless . . . in my dreams. Right now I can think of twenty hundred things in need of my attention, starting with Miss Little’s room.

  2. "Can anyone relate to dishes overflowing the kitchen sink, blocked access to laundry rooms or unwalkable kids' rooms"

    Hey, KB! I'm calling the cops unless you get that webcam outta my home!

  3. Heck, the dog won't even go into the boys' rooms....

    Praying for health and healing for you and Anne.

  4. I love dryer lint.

    not sure why.


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